Affirmation: New Moon in Cancer

November 26, 2021

A watery affirmation for our New Moon in Cancer.

Today I'm going to offer you an affirmation to read and hold within yourself, in honor of the clearing, cleansing, and emotionally charged energy of the new Moon:

Hello, again, to another moon cycle.

With the emotional, caretaking energy of Cancer within me, the dark moon takes her place in my heart.

Humans are mostly water, and down through my fingertips, I notice the river of intuition that the new Moon in Cancer is asking me to feel.

It's a tall order, to feel this much, but I am ready. Ready to close my eyes and hear the rapids, the babbles, the trickles. Ready to breathe out deeply and let the stuck rocks and branches wash away with the current.

And as they wash out, I know that they are not being rejected, or forgotten about, or pushed away. Instead, they are destined for a new part of the river, where they will find a more comfortable home.

It is all one, after all, and all has its place here, within me.

🌛 new moon blessings to you 💖